Lonely sugar mummy – Priscah 40yrs single sugar mummy

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you admin for the great work you have been doing. I was reffered to this site by a friend after you linked her with a cute young man (I must say I am a tad bit jealous). Since I don’t like sharing or breaking apart made in heaven couples, I just know want someone for myself.

I am big or grooming, so no dirty hair, finger nails or worse, clothes or shoes. Must be well cultured as I interact with lots of classy people and the last thing on my mind is embarrassment. Willing to travel, adventurous, open to new ideas. If you can drive it’s a plus as I like being chauffeared.

I dream of a true romantic. A man in touch with their inner self.

To get me SMS admin on +254717176613

Charges apply.

Kenyan sugar mummy – A hot single sugar mum in Nairobi seeks a discreet relationship

Are you into dating hot and elderly women? Look no futher! Hot sugar mummy Lilian is simply looking just for you. All she is looking for is simply a breath of new air, away from the hustle and bustle of the corporate life. Maybe you can fly together away from all the entanglemnts of city life to an iddyllic chillspot for the weekend or even a week holdiday of fun. Broke? Worry not. It’s an all expenses paid trip where all you need to do is to treat her like a goddess and let her inner feminine bloom.

Jokers and gold diggers will not be tolerated or appreciated. Only true romantics and men with absolutely genuine interest and desire may apply.

To meet Lilian and know more about her and what makes her tick. TEXT Admin on +254717176613. Connection Fee is 750