Sugar Mummy in Runda – Here Is The Real Deal

A 40 year old lady(she says she doesn’t want to be labeled as a sugar mummy) is looking for someone to spice up her life. She is living in Runda, Nairobi and recently divorced. She now wants a young man to help her celebrate her new found freedom. Due to the fact that she works for a blue chip company we can’t post her information here due to the sensitive position she holds.

She says she is done with jokers and is willing to spend money on any young man ready to play her ball, or follow her tough rules. Here they are:

  1. You must be living in Nairobi, Kenya or willing to travel to the city.
  2. You must be able to live in an apartment she is going to rent so she can see you discreetly without raising eyebrows.
  3. You must be classy, cultured and be well dressed and groomed.
  4. Sex must be great. If you only have kindergarten skills look for girls your age.
  5. Must be over 18 and not over thirty.
  6. You shouldn’t be married or having other girlfriends(unless you dump them as she doesn’t want drama in her life.
  7. You should show some level of maturity.
  8. Jokers are not allowed, serious people only.

As pertains rule number eight, she asked me to do the vetting process and make sure I forward to her numbers of people who are serious enough. So I am going to charge Ksh. 530 via MPESA if you want her number or if I have to forward yours to her.

Contact me: +254784389794

What Are the Laws of Human Attraction?

You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction. This unscientific law says that your thoughts attract what comes into your life. If you think positively about what you want, that’s what the Universe will send you. Likewise, negative thoughts attract negative events and occurrences.

Does this same type of law hold true for human attraction as well? There are two schools of thought on this. Looking at it from a scientific standpoint, it does seem entirely possible that there could be biological “laws” governing how people are attracted to each other. There are chemicals called pheromones that are well documented in the animal kingdom, especially in insects. These chemicals trigger some kind of response in other members of the same species. There are pheromones to signal alarm or danger, and other pheromones that insects use to alert members to a good food source, a new hive, or which trail to follow. Sex pheromones are particularly well studied.

While there haven’t been any specific pheromones found in humans, there is much anecdotal evidence to support the “chemical attraction” theory. Women have been shown to adjust their menstrual cycles when exposed to extracts of male underarms. Other studies have suggested that people may subconsciously be using odor cues to choose mates who aren’t closely related.

What about personality and physical attraction – don’t those play a role in human relationships? For the most part, when someone is attracted to a member of the opposite sex the first attractor is physical appearance. But, unless the pair wants only a purely physical relationship, there must be more than physical attraction to sustain a relationship.

In order to keep a relationship fresh and strong, personality becomes the main focus in human attraction. Getting to know the person over a period of time, discovering their goals and dreams, and seeing how they handle different aspects of everyday life are all important in deciding whether a specific person is attractive enough to stay in a long-term relationship with.

After physical attraction, perception of a person’s personality is what initially attracts a potential mate. Perception is particularly important, as it is possible for someone to hide their true personality for a time, or at least to hide certain aspects of it. This is what often leads to the failure of a relationship, since once the person’s true personality is revealed, the other partner may feel betrayed or let down if it’s not what was initially projected. It’s important that we not be “blinded” by the thrill of a new relationship and overlook small clues that may indicate our potential partner isn’t really what we thought.

Overall, we as a species are overwhelmingly attracted to people who consistently share our values. The old adage that “opposites attract” is true to a degree, but generally, we’re attracted to people who show personality attributes that we deem important, whether or not we possess those attributes ourselves.

The Laws of Human Attraction are complex and varied, as are humans themselves. Chemical, biological, physical, and emotional factors all play a role in this age-old question.

SMS hook up to +254784389794. .

Younger men Who Date Sugar Mummies – Money and Other Advantages

Many people consider online dating as the next best thing since sliced bread. Thousands of people found their life partners through these online dating sites. Dating sites are not just for the young and middle aged daters too as there are also tons of cougar online dating sites that are available today. Through these sites, many younger men are now able to date Sugar Mummies without having a hard time dealing with the society’s reactions. Believe me, it is much easier searching online than to go to lots of places to look for an older man who wants to date younger men.

Younger men date Sugar Mummies for several different reasons. Obviously, money is one of the most common reasons. However, money isn’t everything as there are also lots of other advantages that a younger woman who date Sugar Mummies can have aside from money. Some even date Sugar Mummies not for the money but for these other advantages. Moving on, I have made a list of the most common advantages that a younger woman can have when she dates Sugar Mummies.

1. Dating Sugar Mummies can be exciting and fulfilling. Sugar Mummies can be more appreciative compared to younger men. This alone is reason enough for some younger men to date Sugar Mummies. As I mentioned earlier, younger men date older guys for different reasons. If they are dating them for the right reasons then they may find their experience as exciting and fulfilling. However, the same cannot be said if they are dating them only for the money.

2. Younger men who are no longer into dating for the “heck of it” and are looking for a mature partner will find dating Sugar Mummies to be the perfect solution. Men who are tired of dealing with younger girl’s attitude will also find dating Sugar Mummies to be a more refreshing experience. Oder women are more mature and appreciative in comparison to younger girls and these qualities are what several younger men are looking for these days.

3. Younger men looking to settle down and start a family will be better off with Sugar Mummies. This is because Sugar Mummies are ready to settle down. On the other hand, many younger girls are still not ready for this kind of commitment. Not all younger men are ready to start a family and most of them are usually not into the idea of settling down. This is not the case with older ladies though. Sugar Mummies are not into games that younger girls play when it comes to dating. In addition to this, Sugar Mummies are more responsible when it comes to starting a family.

4. Lastly, this list wouldn’t be complete if money is not a part of it. Money is obviously one of the main reasons of younger men to date an older woman. When they are with Sugar Mummies, they will feel more financially secured compared to younger girls who still don’t have a stable job. Younger men who don’t want to gamble with their future in dating younger girls go for Sugar Mummies.

Meet real women and with real stories. Real time sugar mummy hook ups! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.

Why Younger Men Seeking Sugar Mummies Get Better Chances of Success Online

More and more toyboys seeking sugar mummies to date are turning to online dating nowadays. This is due to the better chances of success that they are able to get. Online dating has certainly made its mark in the dating world today as one of the best approaches that one can go for. Thousands of people all over the world have been fascinated by the amazing experience that they get with online dating. If you are a Ben Ten that is looking for single sugar mummy that you can date, online dating would definitely be a good thing for you. Here are some other reasons why toyboys who are dating sugar mummies are able to succeed better through the internet.

The very first reason, why toyboys dating single sugar mummies are able to succeed easier through the internet, is the wider search coverage that they get. Unlike most of the traditional dating methods that we are aware of, online dating provides people with an almost unlimited supply of potential dates. By simply joining an online sugar mummy dating site, any Ben Ten would get a chance to meet thousands of potential sugar mummy dates. This can really help toyboys seeking sugar mummies because they are no longer that limited during their search. In a way, they can really focus their efforts in finding their dream date and have a great chance to be rewarded at the end.

The ease of accessing these online dating communities is another reason why many toyboys seeking sugar mummies to date are able to become more successful. Most sugar mummy men aren’t willing to venture into public social gathering places anymore. This was once a reason why it is very hard to find a sugar mummy man that you can have a relationship with. Through online sugar mummy dating sites, these men are now able to become more active in the dating world. That is also the reason why any Ben Ten would have an easier time meeting these men. Most important of all, they can do so without even leaving their homes or any location that they are currently on.

Lastly, the very pace of the dating game in the online dating world is another reason why it is much easier to find and date single sugar mummies today. You can get to know each other better in a much faster manner through the internet. This is because most online dating sites require their members to fill out their profile pages properly. That allows any online dating single to find out more about their date, even before they actually interact with them. In a sense, it gives them a chance to find out their compatibility with that person and even see if they would be comfortable with such a dating partner or not.

Overall, online dating is indeed an effective approach for those toyboys seeking sugar mummies that they can date today. It can help them meet a lot of single sugar mummies and be more successful in finding their ideal partner. If you really want to have an amazing sugar mummy dating experience, online dating may just be what the doctor ordered for you.

Meet real women and with real stories. Real time sugar mummy hook ups! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.

Online Sugar Mummy Dating Service: The Answer to Your Prayers?

An online sugar mummy dating service is the answer to the prayers of many people who are desperately looking for a date but are unable to find a suitable woman. Below, I have discussed how to secure a date in three simple steps by using an online dating service.

Sign up

First find a reliable online sugar mummy dating service and sign up with it. It may be a paid or a non-paid service. A paid dating service will have far more facilities than a free site. However, in the case of a free site, you don’t have to risk your money and try it out free of cost. There are sites, which offer free services up to a point, and you have the option to buy a special package that will give you more advantages, such as a customized list of women whose tastes and interests match with those of yours. It is ok to experiment with a few sites at a time, but you need to keep a tab on each of them. You can also sign up with a specialist online dating service if you have any special requirement such as dating a single parent.

Find a date

The next step is to find a person who should be the perfect date for you. An online cougar dating service makes this job easier than the traditional method by providing the profiles of each member. From the profiles you will know a lot about a girl. Similarly, other members of the dating website can visit your profile and approach you for a date. Once you find a woman you really like, you can send a message and then start chatting with her online. It is not wise to give out your personal email ID. Therefore, online chatting from an anonymous account or the built-in chat window of the dating website is a safe option.

Fix a meeting

When you are sure that you really like a person she seems to be genuine, simply fix a meeting. It is wise to fix a date in a crowded place. This way you will ensure that you will come to no harm if the sugar mummy you are dating turns out to be quite different than what you imagined.

Real time sugar mummy hook ups in Kenya! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.

Dating Kenyan Sugar Mummies – Why you fail part 1

Last Saturday, my friend, Jim told me that he wanted to be dating Kenyan sugar mummies more often and asked me to be his wing man. Naturally I said yes since I love going out and meeting sexy women and was planning to do so anyway.

Sometime into the night we got together with two cuties. You know the kind, flawless coco skin with a kiss of shimmer to it. A touch of sexy and seductive perfume that leaves you wanting more. In a word: IRRESISTIBLE! And, as an added bonus, we met them not too far from my house, which was quite convenient.

Everything was falling in place and going really good…I was running my cutie through the phases of the Emotional Progression Model like all Pickup Artist’s do and Jim’s girl seemed into him in a big way. As a matter of fact, he was getting all the right signals from this hottie. Jim had only to make his move and Tanya would follow him home!

Want to know what happened?

Unfortunately, and I can kill him for this, after about an hour or so of being alone together, Jim and Tanya rejoin us and Tanya instantly tells my girl Tiffani those dreaded words: “We need to go!”

I was still able to get Tiff’s number and promised to call, but I didn’t have the chance to close with her that night!

Since Jim said he wanted to start dating Kenyan sugar mummies, after they left I took him aside and asked what went wrong. This is what he told me, almost word for word:

“I donno, we went for a walk, she asked me why I haven’t tried to kiss her (a tactic Pickup artists use ) I needed to be sure that she was into me, so I got out my phone and showed her some pics of Dom (his CAT!!!).

I just shook my head, went to the bar and ordered a Coors Light.

He was in perfect position with this sexy Kenyan sugar mummy, ALONE! Just like he wanted. Tanya pretty much gave him “Fu*k Me” signals and he thinks he has to continue working on building attraction. Instead of increasing sexual chemistry between them, Jim takes a major step deep into the territory of “Creepy Guy” and loses Tanya.

I got to thinking about everything guys tend to do that hurts their chances with hot women and how they differ from PUA’s. Pickup Artists don’t take chances, they KNOW what works or not and NEVER lose a girl due to financial situations, looks, or even their age.

When you’re with a sexy woman, regardless of her skin tone, your attitude is all important!

Here’s the truth – Jim failed at dating this sexy Kenyan sugar mummy because he believed she wanted to go to bed with a nice guy. Tanya already was interested in Jim. He’s an awesome, fun guy and she would have got with him no problem.

If you want to date Kenyan sugar mummies, you need to be a guy that is by nature, magnetic to all women. Jim bombed from second guessing his instincts and what Tanya desired. Then he tried a crappy gimmick. Even after I told him not to divert from the Emotional Progression Model I mentioned earlier.

Real time sugar mummy hook ups! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.