Speed Dating: Know the New Concept of meeting sugar mummies in Nairobi

Speed dating events are excellent ways to meet interesting people and to find a perfect sugar mummy. However it can be quite challenging because of the time restrictions. Here are 3 excellent tips to impress cougars during your speed dating adventure.

Take care of your appearance:

A speed dating sitting lasts for anything between 3 to 10 minutes. Therefore you will have a very short amount of time to impress your partner. Also, other than you, there will be many other people vying for attention, and so you need to make sure that you stand out in a crowd. The way to ensure this is to be really well groomed and wear the best dress that is appropriate for the venue.

Women should be wearing beautiful dresses that are sexy and stylish but revealing. You can wear a nice stylish shirt with a pair of jeans or be in complete dinner attire. You can take the opinion of a friend before visiting the event on how you look.

Ask interesting questions:

One great trick to make an impression on a woman you like at the first glance is to ask interesting questions. For example, you can ask your partner that if she closes her eye and try to think of a geometric shape what will it be: a square, a round or a triangle. If she chooses triangle then it denotes an ambitious mind, choosing square denotes a homely character while round means the person is very caring about everybody.

You can say this is a fun personality test, which your friend asked you the other day. Don’t apply it to everybody but just the special ones whom you really like at the very first glance.

Watch your body language:

It is very important to have positive body language while speed dating. Don’t slouch in your chair as it denotes a careless attitude. Don’t keep your hands crossed in front of you as it gives out a negative mindset. Keep your hands on the table but don’t tap the table or fidget with paper napkins. It means you are nervous or impatient or both. Don’t lean in either, it’s a deminstration of lower value.

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Toyboy dating: How to find a Sugar lady in Kenya, Nairobi

Finding a suitable sugar mummy is still a huge problem for many toyboys. There are many tips and advice available on how to date, but what if you don’t get a cougar? Please don’t despair, as there are many people out there one of whom was born to be your soul mate. Let us now explore various singles dating options to find a sugar mummy.

Social circle

However introvert a person may be, he or she must have a circle of friends. Nobody understands us better that our friends. Therefore if you are single and ready to mingle, the first place to look for a sugar mummy can start from your social circle. This does not mean that you ask a friend from the opposite sex out on a date (by the way, friends do make excellent life partners). What you need to do is request your close friends to introduce you to their siblings, cousins, colleagues or friends who are also single and looking for toyboys. Since your friends know you well, they will be able to determine what kind of a partner will be perfect for you.

Work place

Another place to find a date is your workplace or if you are a student, your college. There must be some place, which you visit regularly such as school. You can strike a friendship with an older woman and get to know each other better before asking her out. Remember the key is to make an advance. If you just happen to like a lady but don’t go forward to get acquainted, nothing sort of a miracle can help you.

Dating websites

There are both free and paid websites available on the Internet for toyboy and sugar mummy dating. Some of these offer specialist dating services such as cougar dating, toyboy dating and so on and so forth. You simply need to sign up and create your own profile to use these sites in order to find a date. All dating websites offer the facility of uploading your picture. You can browse the profiles of other members and see if anybody’s tastes and interests match with those of yours.

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Dating Personals: How to Find a Sugar Mummy Using Them

Dating personals are paid or free personal ads placed by a person on newspapers, magazines or Internet in order to find a suitable date and can be excellent ways to find a sugar mummy in Kenya. Here are a few tips to find a sugar mummy through dating personals.

Find a good service

Fist of all find a good dating personal service. It can be the personal ad column of a popular magazine or a dating website. If you are not willing to pay for the service, there are many nice free online dating websites that you can use. With a dating website, you will need to create a profile on which you will specify your likes, dislikes, future plans and so on and so forth. You can consult a good friend of yours about which service to opt for.

Create a nice profile

The ad that you are going to place or the profile you will set up is the key to attract the right kind of women. Therefore spend a considerable amount of time on it. Your ad/profile should succinctly explain what kind of a person you are and what kind of a person you think will be suitable to be your partner. Also, you need to be clear about the kind of relationship you are looking for.

Be active

It is not enough just to post ads or profiles on dating personals and then expect to be inundated by messages from like-minded women willing to go out with you. You have to be active and reach out to other people. If you are taking help of newspaper or magazine ads, be sure to go through the entire dating personal section to find out if there are ads that reflect a similar mentality as yours or at least one that is compatible with yours.

If yes, you should make the effort and contact the woman. The same is true about online dating personals. You have to visit the dating website daily and browse the profiles of other people looking to hook up. Until and unless you are actively seeking a sugar mummy, it will be really difficult for you to find one.

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Online Sugar Mummy Dating Service: The Answer to Your Prayers?

An online sugar mummy dating service is the answer to the prayers of many people who are desperately looking for a date but are unable to find a suitable woman. Below, I have discussed how to secure a date in three simple steps by using an online dating service.

Sign up

First find a reliable online sugar mummy dating service and sign up with it. It may be a paid or a non-paid service. A paid dating service will have far more facilities than a free site. However, in the case of a free site, you don’t have to risk your money and try it out free of cost. There are sites, which offer free services up to a point, and you have the option to buy a special package that will give you more advantages, such as a customized list of women whose tastes and interests match with those of yours. It is ok to experiment with a few sites at a time, but you need to keep a tab on each of them. You can also sign up with a specialist online dating service if you have any special requirement such as dating a single parent.

Find a date

The next step is to find a person who should be the perfect date for you. An online cougar dating service makes this job easier than the traditional method by providing the profiles of each member. From the profiles you will know a lot about a girl. Similarly, other members of the dating website can visit your profile and approach you for a date. Once you find a woman you really like, you can send a message and then start chatting with her online. It is not wise to give out your personal email ID. Therefore, online chatting from an anonymous account or the built-in chat window of the dating website is a safe option.

Fix a meeting

When you are sure that you really like a person she seems to be genuine, simply fix a meeting. It is wise to fix a date in a crowded place. This way you will ensure that you will come to no harm if the sugar mummy you are dating turns out to be quite different than what you imagined.

Real time sugar mummy hook ups in Kenya! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.

Dating Kenyan Sugar Mummies – Why you fail part 1

Last Saturday, my friend, Jim told me that he wanted to be dating Kenyan sugar mummies more often and asked me to be his wing man. Naturally I said yes since I love going out and meeting sexy women and was planning to do so anyway.

Sometime into the night we got together with two cuties. You know the kind, flawless coco skin with a kiss of shimmer to it. A touch of sexy and seductive perfume that leaves you wanting more. In a word: IRRESISTIBLE! And, as an added bonus, we met them not too far from my house, which was quite convenient.

Everything was falling in place and going really good…I was running my cutie through the phases of the Emotional Progression Model like all Pickup Artist’s do and Jim’s girl seemed into him in a big way. As a matter of fact, he was getting all the right signals from this hottie. Jim had only to make his move and Tanya would follow him home!

Want to know what happened?

Unfortunately, and I can kill him for this, after about an hour or so of being alone together, Jim and Tanya rejoin us and Tanya instantly tells my girl Tiffani those dreaded words: “We need to go!”

I was still able to get Tiff’s number and promised to call, but I didn’t have the chance to close with her that night!

Since Jim said he wanted to start dating Kenyan sugar mummies, after they left I took him aside and asked what went wrong. This is what he told me, almost word for word:

“I donno, we went for a walk, she asked me why I haven’t tried to kiss her (a tactic Pickup artists use ) I needed to be sure that she was into me, so I got out my phone and showed her some pics of Dom (his CAT!!!).

I just shook my head, went to the bar and ordered a Coors Light.

He was in perfect position with this sexy Kenyan sugar mummy, ALONE! Just like he wanted. Tanya pretty much gave him “Fu*k Me” signals and he thinks he has to continue working on building attraction. Instead of increasing sexual chemistry between them, Jim takes a major step deep into the territory of “Creepy Guy” and loses Tanya.

I got to thinking about everything guys tend to do that hurts their chances with hot women and how they differ from PUA’s. Pickup Artists don’t take chances, they KNOW what works or not and NEVER lose a girl due to financial situations, looks, or even their age.

When you’re with a sexy woman, regardless of her skin tone, your attitude is all important!

Here’s the truth – Jim failed at dating this sexy Kenyan sugar mummy because he believed she wanted to go to bed with a nice guy. Tanya already was interested in Jim. He’s an awesome, fun guy and she would have got with him no problem.

If you want to date Kenyan sugar mummies, you need to be a guy that is by nature, magnetic to all women. Jim bombed from second guessing his instincts and what Tanya desired. Then he tried a crappy gimmick. Even after I told him not to divert from the Emotional Progression Model I mentioned earlier.

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Dating Kenyan sugar mummies – Why you fail part 2?

If you want to be dating sexy Kenyan sugar mummies, you shouldn’t be doing complicated routines that push her away instead of bringing her closer.

A man that’s automatically attractive to sexy girls, sugar mummies or not, understands how to play with them, he knows how to flirt. your conversation needs to be a perfect mix of seriousness and fun. You need to be interested in her but don’t be TOO interested.

Here’s an example of some attitudes that Pickup Artists use when dating Kenyan sugar mummies (or any other hot, sexy woman):

1) They don’t show excessive interest in women

2) They’re not afraid to be playful and tease (which women LOVE)!

3) They act like gentleman, but aren’t “Sugar Daddies”

4) They live life on their personal terms

5) They’re not afraid to take ACTION!

This is just some of what a good Pickup Artist does. What I’m saying is that your weakness with dating Kenyan sugar mummies could simply be that you’re not giving them what they actually crave in guys.

If you want to succeed with ANY woman, you’ve got to portray a man of high status.In doing so, that is exactly what you will become. You’ll need to know how to talk with sexy women. Being fun and flirty is essential for creating sexual chemistry.

So if you want to date Kenyan sugar mummies, don’t do what Jim did. Instead concentrate on building a flirty and fun vibe that will quickly draw her in to you.

Real time sugar mummy hook ups! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.

Dating a sugar mummy friend – Is it a good idea?

Many times the relationship between two friends may blossom into something deeper and more significant. Dating friends is certainly not a new idea as there are numerous instances of this in novels and movies. However, people are often skeptical if the romance between two friends is romantic enough! Let’s discuss some pros and cons of dating friends to find out if it is a good idea or not.

One-way ticket

The first thing that you should consider while dating friends is that it is a one-way ticket. Friendship is a platonic relationship and when you start dating a friend, it goes up to a different level from where there is no coming back. If for some reasons things don’t work out between you two, you probably won’t be able to get back to the previous ‘friendship’ level. A good friend may make a very bad ‘ex’girlfriend. One of you two will feel awkward to face the other (it may not be you) and thus the relationship will end completely.

Knowing a person inside out

When you date a friend, you know your partner inside out. This can go for you as well as against you. There will be few occasions to surprise your friend, especially if your friend happens to be very intuitive and is well acquainted with your habits. However, you can even take help of this situation to do something really romantic that only your friend can appreciate. For example, suppose you hate the color green and your friend knows it. Now your friend happens to have a fascination for green. You can wear a nice green shirt when you go on a date with her. Your friend will appreciate this gesture a lot as she will know why you have done this.

The final verdict

Finally, there is no way to know from beforehand how things will work out when you are dating friends. A good friend will make a wonderful life-partner. If everything works out, then you two will be the envy of a lot of other couples, as you will share a very special bond. If things don’t work out, it may be the end of your friendship.

Real time sugar mummy hook ups! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.

How to Date Sugar Mummies

Dating older women is a stage of life, which you probably both dread and love. Dread because you are not sure if you will be able to impress the sugar mummy of your dreams enough to build up a good relationship with her. When you date older women, initially there is no pressure on you to worry about marriage and starting a family.

You are just going to be spend some time together with a lovely woman, enjoy each other’s company and basically get to know each other better before you think about a lasting relationship. However, there are 3 dating rules of thumb that you need to follow which will make your day a success.

First of all, remember that women are finicky about appearance and no matter what your personal opinion on this subject is, when you date older women, always dress to kill. This does not mean you need an Armani jacket. Just make sure that what you are wearing is chic and stylish and suits you well. The best thing will be to have your attire checked by another girl (sister, cousin or a friend) who you think is quite fashionable and ask for an honest opinion. Also, wear the right accessories to go with your cloths. The same goes for grooming. If you can carry off a stubbed chin with class, then let it be. However, if a lady friend of yours comments that it is a turn off then you better be clean shaved. Wear a good quality cologne . Use gel on your hair and style it well.

Treat your date well. Be a gentleman and by that I mean with everybody including the waiter/waitress who come to take your order at the restaurant! older women notice everything and a nice girl will never have anything to do with you if you play an arrogant brat. Once you take care of these basics, you’ll be ready to pick up and date older women on a more advanced level.

Real time sugar mummy hook ups! Sms hook up to +254784389794. Charges 530/= only.

The Sugar Mummy Online Dating Site: What You Should Know

Many times the idea of dating can be quite daunting. Not all of us possess the amount of self-confidence needed to impress the person you like. Also if you happen to like somebody at a first glance, there is no guarantee that he/she will make a perfect partner for you. While dating, we are always on the lookout for a person, whose tastes and characteristics complement ours. This does not necessarily mean that your partner needs to have the exact same hobbies as you.

In fact it is a widely held belief that opposite poles attract each other. However there should be some common things between you two. For example, if you are a Roman Catholic and come from a very religious family background, you may like to have only a Roman Catholic partner. The problem is if you meet a nice person whom you would like to date, you have no way to know his or her religion before the two of you are well acquainted. You can hardly ask somebody “what is your religion?” the first time you meet that person.

How can a dating site help you?

If you sign up with a sugar mummy online dating site such as kenyansugardating.com and the others, you will first be asked to create a profile, in which you typically need to put up your hobbies, interests, activities and probably a paragraph on what kind of partner you are looking for. As you have specified these facts, the people who will contact you will know what you are looking for.

Similarly, you can visit their profiles and see if they match your requirements. For example, if you are heavily into adventure sports and would like to have a partner who pursues a similar hobby, on a dating site you can specify that you are looking for somebody who is interested in adventure sports.

There are many sugar mummy dating websites, which offer their services free cost. However paid sites will definitely have more features and a 24/7 customer support system. You can sign up with any or multiple of these two types of sites and enjoy meeting like-minded people online.

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