10 Things Not to Say to a Sugar mummy

It’s tough being an almost 30-something, single woman out there and I’m sure it’s tough being a friend/co-worker/relation to an almost 30-something, single woman. Just to help you out here are the top 10 things not to say to us.

  1. So, what’s new? Anything new and exciting in your life? I know this is code for “Are you dating anyone?” Just don’t ask. If I meet someone I can guarantee you I’ll be talking about him because I’ll be so excited and because it doesn’t happen very often.
  2. I recently went to a fun, charity dinner event for firefighters to raise money for a burn treatment centre. It’s such a great cause and of course that’s why I signed up… or for the possibility of meeting my future husband. And I know everyone else is thinking the same thing. So when the event is over and you ask me how it went and I say I had a great time and I’m definitely going again next year – this means that I had a great time and I’m definitely going again next year and no, I didn’t meet my future husband so don’t ask any more dumb questions.
  3. Don’t mention kids. I’m lucky enough that I’m not really sure if I want kids so I’m not in a hurry to find a guy just for the sake of procreating. I had a co-worker of mine (who is a really great person) mention something to me about her sister, who has been dating a guy for over a year and that she had better get moving because she’s not getting any younger… her sister was 32. Hello??? I’m almost 30 – did you forget that? Don’t pass judgment on us prime, single women because we’re not having babies at 25. Then she proceeds to tell me she’s so happy she had kids when she was young so she can keep up with them and be a young mom. Helloo again??? Sometimes we don’t have a choice in the matter. I don’t want to be 40 if I decide to have kids but maybe that will be the age when I have the opportunity to have them.
  4. You’ll find “the one” when you’re not looking. I’M ALWAYS LOOKING! I really hate that line.
  5. Be happy with what you do have. This is true. I have my own place, a job, a car – I really am thankful. BUT I WANT MORE! There’s nothing like that feeling of being in love.
  6. When you find the right person you’ll know. What do you mean I’ll know? Does a siren go off? Does someone come to me in a dream telling me that he’s the one? Do I get a letter in the mail saying I met my soul-mate? Throw me a bone people!
  7. Stay busy and have a life of your own. I’m almost 30. I don’t go to the bar, I rarely go to pubs and I hang out with my married friends… yeah, I’m real busy.
  8. If it’s meant to be it’ll happen. That’s a load of squash if I ever heard a load of squash. Some people don’t get married or meet their “soul-mate.” How come some people are lucky enough to find true love and some aren’t?
  9. Put yourself out there. I have really done this. I consider myself a quieter person but I really do believe in taking chances and taking a risk especially because it makes my dull life more exciting. For example, I gave gym guy my number. Still waiting on that phone call. Part of the reason I did this is because I would love for someone to do that to me and I wanted to find out if he was interested. If not, I would know and then I could move on to my next poor, helpless victim.
  10. You don’t need a man to complete you. Really? I betcha a single, feminist came up with this. There is a feeling you get from being with a man you’re attracted to that you just don’t get when you’re hanging with your girlfriends. It’s irreplaceable and I don’t want to go through life without it. I think it has to do with chemistry or hormones… really, it’s beyond our control and in our chemical make-up.

Get your sugar mummy before they are all gone! Sms hook up to +254784389794

2 thoughts on “10 Things Not to Say to a Sugar mummy”

    1. hey,,, am Reagan and am a Kenyan, and I have 23 years old,,, am looking for a serious sugar momma to spoil me,,,,,,,, contact me if interested, jokes aside

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